Mixed Vegetables




13% -15%

Total Return

56500 - 57500Tk.




6 months

Net Profit

6500 - 7500Tk.

Return Type


Welcome to Agriventure Limited’s Mixed Vegetable Farm, where diversity meets sustainability in agriculture. Our farm is dedicated to cultivating a wide array of fresh, nutritious vegetables, each carefully selected to thrive in our local environment. We grow everything from leafy greens and root vegetables to seasonal favorites, ensuring a rich variety of produce that supports a healthy diet and meets market demands.

Our mixed vegetable farming approach not only maximizes land use but also enhances soil health and biodiversity. We implement advanced farming techniques and sustainable practices to ensure high yields, reduced environmental impact, and consistent quality.

Why Invest in Mixed Vegetables with Agriventure Limited

  1. Diverse Revenue Streams: Investing in mixed vegetables offers multiple sources of income from various types of produce. This diversification reduces financial risk and ensures steady cash flow, as different vegetables have different growing cycles and market demands.

  2. Market Demand and Growth: There is a strong and growing demand for fresh, locally-grown vegetables. As consumers increasingly seek healthier food options and local produce, mixed vegetable farms are well-positioned to meet these needs and capture a significant market share.

  3. Sustainability and Soil Health: Mixed vegetable farming promotes soil health and reduces the risk of pest infestations and diseases. By rotating crops and incorporating various vegetable types, we enhance soil fertility and resilience, making the farm more sustainable and less reliant on chemical inputs.

  4. Innovation and Efficiency: Agriventure Limited leverages cutting-edge agricultural practices and technology to optimize farming operations. From precision irrigation and smart pest management to efficient harvesting techniques, our innovative approach ensures high productivity and resource efficiency, maximizing return on investment.

Investing in our mixed vegetable farm means supporting a dynamic and sustainable agricultural venture with strong growth potential and a commitment to quality and environmental stewardship.

The following steps are followed for each successful funding:

  1. Payment made through electronic fund transfers or cheques
  2. Amount verified by Team Agriventure Limited
  3. Invoice is issued
  4. The 3 working day refund period begins when the investor/funder is entitled to a full refund (After deducting a 2.5% transaction fee) if he/she requests it. After that there will be no option to refund before the farm matures.
  5. Following the end of the refund period, the fund is transferred to the field operations team for further perusal
  6. Within a month of the invoice date, the certificate of ownership is issued, stating that the farm is fully operational.
The Certificate of Ownership clarifies the ownership of the asset and Agriventure's responsibility. Please feel free to reach out to us directly by emailing invest@agriventure.asia if you need further assistance.

The investor will receive 13% -15% per unit. The profit/unit is 6500Tk. - 7500Tk.

Under the guidance of Agriventure Limited, our team of experienced and trained workers will oversee your funded farm.

You can reach out or visit your designated farmer through us.

Yes, you may. You must inform us in advance to ensure you get the best welcome possible.