Potato Farming




6% -8%

Total Return

53000 - 54000Tk.




4 Months

Net Profit

3000 - 4000Tk.

Return Type


Welcome to Agriventure Limited’s Potato Farming division, where we cultivate high-quality potatoes with a focus on sustainability, efficiency, and innovation. Our potato farm is strategically managed to produce a diverse range of potato varieties, catering to both local markets and international exports.

What We Grow: Our farm features a variety of potato types, including russets, reds, and fingerlings, each chosen for their distinct culinary uses and market demand. We employ advanced techniques to ensure consistent yields and superior quality.

Farming Practices: We use cutting-edge agricultural practices to maximize productivity and minimize environmental impact. Our farming approach includes soil health management through crop rotation and organic fertilization, precision irrigation systems to conserve water, and integrated pest management to reduce the need for chemical treatments.

Harvesting and Processing: Potatoes are carefully harvested at their optimal maturity to ensure the best flavor and texture. Our farm is equipped with modern processing facilities to handle and package the potatoes efficiently, maintaining high standards of hygiene and quality control.

Sustainability Focus: Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in our resource-efficient practices and focus on reducing waste. By continually improving our methods and incorporating innovative technologies, we ensure that our potato farming operations are both economically viable and environmentally responsible.

Why Invest in Potato Farming with Agriventure Limited

  1. Stable Market Demand: Potatoes are a staple food in many diets worldwide, with consistent demand across various markets. Investing in potato farming provides a stable revenue stream, as potatoes are essential in both fresh and processed forms, including chips, fries, and other products.

  2. High Yield Potential: Potatoes are known for their high yield per acre compared to many other crops. With our advanced farming techniques and optimal conditions, investors can expect substantial returns on investment due to the efficient production of high-quality potatoes.

  3. Technological Advancements: Agriventure Limited integrates cutting-edge technology into our farming practices, such as precision agriculture, advanced irrigation systems, and modern harvesting equipment. These innovations enhance productivity, reduce costs, and increase profitability.

  4. Sustainability and Resource Efficiency: Our focus on sustainable practices ensures that potato farming is not only profitable but also environmentally responsible. By investing in our farm, you support practices that promote soil health, conserve water, and minimize waste, contributing to long-term ecological balance.

Investing in potato farming with Agriventure Limited means becoming part of a forward-thinking agricultural venture that combines tradition with innovation, delivering both financial returns and positive environmental impact.

The following steps are followed for each successful funding:

  1. Payment made through electronic fund transfers or cheques
  2. Amount verified by Team Agriventure Limited
  3. Invoice is issued
  4. The 3 working day refund period begins when the investor/funder is entitled to a full refund (After deducting a 2.5% transaction fee) if he/she requests it. After that there will be no option to refund before the farm matures.
  5. Following the end of the refund period, the fund is transferred to the field operations team for further perusal
  6. Within a month of the invoice date, the certificate of ownership is issued, stating that the farm is fully operational.
The Certificate of Ownership clarifies the ownership of the asset and Agriventure's responsibility. Please feel free to reach out to us directly by emailing invest@agriventure.asia if you need further assistance.

The investor will receive 6% -8% per unit. The profit/unit is 3000Tk. - 4000Tk.

Under the guidance of Agriventure Limited, our team of experienced and trained workers will oversee your funded farm.

You can reach out or visit your designated farmer through us.

Yes, you may. You must inform us in advance to ensure you get the best welcome possible.